The clinical negligence team at BBS Law has accumulated many years of experience in this specialist area.
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Secure PaymentThe clinical negligence team at BBS Law has accumulated many years of experience in this specialist area.
Contact UsThe clinical negligence team at BBS Law has accumulated many years of experience in this specialist area. We combine knowledge with a close network of medical experts across London, the South East and Manchester which helps us to establish liability as swiftly as possible and hopefully obtain an early settlement of your case.
We help clients in all areas of medical negligence, from misdiagnosis and delays in diagnosis, to surgical and prescription errors.
The team will work towards full compensation being recovered and emphasise the importance of the sum taking the cost of past and future treatment into account.
In this way you can get on with your life, while receiving the appropriate care and compensation to assist in your recovery.
To make an appointment to discuss any aspect of a clinical negligence claim please contact Stephen Silverman or Stephanie Hunter.
We can assist with claims relating to matters such as:
Cases of this nature often involve obtaining full disclosure of hospital records and expert opinion to successfully establish negligence and the effects it has had.
For advice on any aspect of a clinical negligence claim please contact us.
It is not a requirement in law to employ the services of a specialised clinical negligence solicitor when making your claim for medical malpractice. However, because the situation is so grave and the outcome so important, it’s best to ensure that your case in the right hands. BBS Law has a well-established track record of dealing with such matters.
Below are the main reasons why you should hire a competent clinical negligence solicitor to handle your case.
1. To Make The Most Of Your Time
Claims such as these can be complex and involved, and it is unwise to simply put your life on hold to work on your case yourself for hours on end. There is a good chance that other areas of your life will suffer, such as your job and relationships. Not only that, but handling an ordeal like this on your own can also induce a large degree of stress.
Practitioners from clinical negligence agencies have worked with the law for a long time and are well-versed in all of its ins and outs. Hiring them will save you time, and also help to bring the case to a conclusion faster. When you work with them, they are paid for the time they spend concentrating on your case, analysing all details and communicating with the other involved party.
2. To Understand The Legal System Better
It goes without saying that there are plenty of complexities within the legal system. Legalities are not always black and white, and there are many areas that lack clarity or specificity. These grey areas can easily lead to uncertainty and confusion, and possibly even lead to wrong decisions being made, if you do not have a legal background yourself.
The best clinical negligence lawyers that London can offer, on the other hand, will understand the nuances of the law and of your case, and will know how to frame the case and the evidence to improve your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve for the harm you have suffered.
3. To Be With A Trained Representative
As noted above, the legal framework is filled with various nuances that the layman is not privy to. For example, even presenting evidence in court is not as simple as it sounds. Law professionals are also well-versed in scrutinising and challenging the evidence that the opposing party presents.
A trained lawyer from BBS Law can guarantee the process will run more smoothly, making the right decisions and taking the right actions at the most appropriate times to give your case the best chance of success. A firm of lawyers’ training covers every aspect of representing you, from the preparation of your case up to actually defending it in a court of law.
4. To Get The Benefit Of Their Experience
Another important reason to hire the services of clinical negligence law firms in London for handling a medical malpractice claim is the degree of experience that they possess in these matters.
The best lawyers are knowledgeable about the information they need to build and defend a case successfully, and also have insight into what their opponents might bring forth to the court. You can rely on them and their extensive experience to strengthen your case.
5. To Eliminate Any Bias
As a human being, it is only natural that emotions will play a part in your behaviours, especially in a matter as emotive as a claim for medical negligence. This limitation can weaken your case as it clouds your assessment of the evidence and can negatively impact on how you act.
With the right lawyer on your side, you will have an expert going into the case with a clear and unbiased mind-set, and that can defend against you jeopardising your own claim. You will have peace of mind that your solicitor will handle the case objectively and with rational thinking.
6. To Have Someone With An Obligation To Your Case
The services of an BBS Law professional attorney come with certain obligations. Every part of the process, from collecting relevant data and supporting evidence to presenting and defending the facts in court, will benefit your claim. Your lawyer is obligated to keep abreast of all the latest applicable legislation and use it to your case’s advantage.
7. To Be Up For The Challenge
The medical professional or institution on the receiving end of your claim is sure to have their own legal representative. If you are not a lawyer, it can be highly detrimental to you to go head-to-head against a legal practitioner in the court of law.
However, with a professional lawyer of your own helping you, you will have a better chance of winning your case.
8. To Avoid Unnecessary Costs
Some people think that they can save money by defending themselves instead of getting the services of law firms. However, it is not that simple. Considering all the advantages mentioned, hiring a lawyer to manage your claim actually saves you more money in the long run.
While you do not have to pay yourself for handling your claim, the costs in terms of your time and the possibility of financial losses if you make errors as a result of your lack of training and experience and lose your case by far outweigh the cost of a legal professional to represent you.
Knowing why you should hire a professional for the job is only the first step of the whole process. If you would like to discuss your medical negligence claim with an expert and ensure you have the most appropriate legal representation in managing your case, contact us now!
We will be more than happy to assist.
Many people receive quality care from the National Health Services without any issues. While there can be instances where the given care fails to achieve the best results, this does not necessarily mean that you received below-standard treatment. It’s possible that the care was just not effective for your specific condition.
Nonetheless, if you believe that the care you have received was below the expected standard, then you can consider making a legal complaint or claim for proper compensation with the help of medical malpractice legal practitioners.
In order to win this legal case and receive compensation, you must be able to prove that the care you’ve received was below the baseline standards of the medical industry. You must also demonstrate that this substandard treatment is the direct cause of considerable amounts of harm. Working with a top clinical negligence firm can help you do this.
When you receive medical care from a health practitioner or facility, and this results in an injury, illness, or disease that has caused suffering to you, then you may be entitled to compensation for clinical negligence.
While numbers of cases are rare and can vary massively from individual to individual, the process of filing a claim for clinical negligence can be tricky, especially without the help of medical malpractice attorneys.
Most people have little to no knowledge about the law surrounding medical negligence, and it can be difficult to know where to start. That is why it’s important to consider talking to a legal expert on medical misconduct to seek the right advice and understand whether or not you do, in fact, have a valid claim.
Their role is to provide you with legal advice on how best to proceed and what decisions you need to make.
A facility or a medical practitioner can only be liable for clinical negligence or malpractice if there is resulting injury or harm from the treatment received. It is important to note that this does not mean that dissatisfaction with the treatment’s outcome is equivalent to malpractice.
It must be noted that treatments can have different responses to certain individuals. It’s also possible that the treatment or care you receive meets the standards of the medical industry, but is just not effective for you in particular.
To further determine the types of cases in which it is possible to file a lawsuit for an error or medical negligence, here are several examples of cases that have been brought:
If you want the best chances of winning your malpractice claim and receiving the compensation you deserve, you should seek out the best clinical negligence law firms in London. For further information please contact us.
We take the time to get to know our clients and their businesses, and we work collaboratively with them to achieve their goals.
Meet Our TeamsHaving recently worked with BBS Law to successfully conclude an Intellectual Property infringement case we were extremely happy with the services they provided.
David Bondt expertly guided us through the process and mediation, providing knowledgeable, professional and commercial support at all stages – thanks again David!
During a very difficult period in our business, we had to seek the help of a professional Law firm. We selected BBS Law Ltd following initial calls with Andrew Haffner and the Litigation Team. The support and unbiased guidance given by Andrew and the team guided us through many nightmare events. The extensive knowledge and professional support given to the complexities of the problem were well understood by BBS Law Ltd.
I instructed David Bondt of BBS Law to deal with a complex intellectual property dispute. The other side were trying to be overly aggressive, but David and his team were able to deal with the situation professionally and robustly on my behalf. Needless to say, BBS Law obtained a very favourable outcome for us and gave very clear and concise advice to me throughout the case. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the litigation team at BBS Law.
High Court rules BBS’s client’s claim against HSBC should continue as an application for Summary Judgment and Strike Out by HSBC fails. David Bondt led the litigation team at BBS Law, who acted for the successful claimant in the recent…